Before the pandemic, working from home was a pretty uncommon phenomenon. Yet now, millions of people are working from home and having to adjust their everyday lives, bringing their occupation into the household and trying to manage everything from their homes.
It has generally had a positive impact on people who have had to change their work environment. According to a poll taken recently, 65% of Americans feel their productivity has increased working from home, while 80% say they can better manage interruptions from coworkers. The same percentage of Americans in the poll really enjoy being able to see their family during their working day and 77% say they find themselves more productive outside of their normal working hours too. Overall, positive findings of the work to home transition.
Most people can complete their work tasks via emails and online meetings, seeing a big rise in the use of video conference platforms all over the world. While video calls may be the new way to meet with colleagues, the poll also found that many employees feel less pressured when working from home. They feel less obliged to prove they’re working or being productive, transferring into a higher productivity, turning into a positive loop for all.
However, some people do still miss their coworkers, with 42% of people interviewed admitting they miss socializing with others at work and interacting outside of the home. This is understandable and over time, this feeling is sure to increase.
Coworking could be a major future investment for businesses and those who are self-employed in the near future. If working remotely becomes a new trend, coworking spaces could offer the new temporary office space for businesses. With meeting room facilities, temporary work desks and a good social atmosphere – it could be the perfect balance alongside remote work.
Interacting with others maintains a healthy working environment and at the same time, it’s not as stressful as the traditional office whereby you may feel pressured from your boss and colleagues. Working with others also means potential partners, new business ideas, etc. More heads are always better than one!
Overall, the pandemic has turned work routines on their head. This could lead to a turning point in the way we work in the future. For those who can do most of their tasks online, working remotely might be a better option than working at the office. Coworking spaces may provide the social and in person meeting spaces necessary, while not having to commit to a fixed office space. Only time will tell how our work routines are shaped for the future.